Do you know that there are more than 800 preschools signed up for Science and Mathematics programmes for the children from 4 to 6 years old? Yes, and the numbers are keep increasing by the time you are reading this. However, we in ALFA and Friends believe that every level of education is important. That is why we have a programme for 3 years old which known as Toddler.
The foundation of the lessons that we designed for Toddlers are based on fun learning. To assist teachers better, we provide something that is even better than a lesson plan, it is the Toddler Apps! There are a lot of preschool teacher apps available in the store and Toddler Apps is one of them.

1- Animations

3 years old and animations are best friends. This is their main entertainment and most of the children learn through animations especially picking up new languages. For Toddler apps, for every lesson, we have animations to help the little ones to understand what they are learning for the day. You just have to click on the videos symbol, and just enjoy the animations with the children.
2- Interactive Games

Nowadays, children love games so much! They could spend hours on games. As for Toddlers Apps, we designed some interactive games for the teachers to play with the children during conducting the lessons. The interactive games designed are not just games, they are designed to enhance the fine motor skills and analytical thinking of the children.
Learning at young age and skills enhanced? Say “YES!” to Toddler Apps to improve the learning of your little ones in preschool.
It is undeniable that many preschool teachers’ apps that are available out there, but the ones that
have interactive games for the children to play are very limited.
3- Lesson Plans

With this preschool teachers’ apps, printed lesson plans are no longer needed by the teachers. There will be no issues of misplacing the lesson plans, tear or storage areas. There will be no more extra cost needed to purchase new lesson plans if the content is updates, all you have to do
is just update the application. You will get all the latest content in your mobile phones in just a few seconds.
You as teachers will have fun browsing the Toddler apps. I bet it will be more enjoyable than reading your printed lesson plans.
You are able to save your money and start to conduct the updated lesson in your classroom as soon as possible! No more waiting game for you when it comes to Toddler lesson plans.
4- Able to Project
The best thing about Toddler Apps is all your children will be able to view what their friends are poking on your mobile phone’s screen because you will be able to project the content of the apps in your desktop or Smart TV. Even the little things like this, we assure you that we got you covered! Do take note that, the greater resolutions that you have, the better the result of the learning.
There are two ways to project the apps to your appliances. They are….
5- Aid Educators

I understand that sometimes one teacher has to teach multiple subjects. Even it is only in preschools, the responsibilities that the teachers have to carry is almost similar with primary school teachers. The data entry works, planning the lessons, managing the classrooms, reporting
to parents and preparing teaching aids too!
This has been taken into consideration when we are designing the Toddler apps. This apps itself is a tool for teaching to aid the teachers. No more flashcards, posters and picture cards because everything has been integrated in the apps with the animations, interactive games and question and answers parts.
Just open the apps, connect it with your laptop, desktop or SMART TV and you get all your virtual teaching aids. Technology ease human lives, especially teachers’ lives. Could not agree more on this.
6- Save the Earth

With Toddler apps, you do not have to print more papers for the children to do activities or print lesson plans for you to compile
weekly for your references. It’s all in your mobile phones. With just one click, you will be able to access the activities and the interactive
matching and sorting games. Have fun in your classrooms.
With Toddler apps, not only children will learn about Science but also, they learn to be more eco- conscious. Your school can start the “paper-less” campaign in no time!
7- Future of Education

By using Toddler apps in your teaching and learning process in classroom as one of your preschool teacher apps, you are one step ahead in reshaping and changing the future of education of early childhood education. Toddler Apps require mental efforts of the children in order to complete a lesson before moving to the next topic.
Also, with Toddler Apps it will actually promote student-centered learning more than teacher- centered learning and encourage more interaction between peers to peers in the classroom during the lesson takes place. This way, students will be more likely to feel appreciated because they have more opportunities to participate and teachers listen to them.
8- Game-Based Learning

Who doesn’t love playing video games?
Therefore, the Toddler Apps is designed in a way the lesson develops from one stage to another by completing educational games. To accomplish the goals of the educational games developed in the apps, the children are able to repeat the games if they fail to complete the games.
However, the lesson does not stop at solely playing educational games but the ability of the children to apply the lesson they gained through playing in real life. This is why the educational games in Toddler Apps are really straight to the point emphasizing the topic of the lesson but still interesting to children. With game-based learning, children’s critical thinking will be able to be enhanced through the usage of the Toddler Apps and spark the love of learning Science at early ages.
These are some of the advantages of Toddler Apps, the best preschool teacher companion. If I am going to write all the advantages, the list will go on and on… And you will be ended up reading this article for 1 week!
If you are interested to use this Toddler Apps and want to know more about it, read more here or contact us.