Science can be magical to children and there are a lot of science kits available out there for them to run their own interesting science experiments. Here is a compilation of the 8 best science kits for kindergarten and preschoolers in 2021 for your reference.
All these age groups that suitable for the science kits listed here are also stated. Children have different interests, so when you are ready to purchase any science kits for them, make sure you choose the ones that are recommended for their age groups.
1. STEM Kit
Age group: 4 years and above

STEM Kit is one of the top science kits for kindergarten and preschoolers in 2021! This is a must-have science kit if your children are 4 to 12 years old. STEM Kit comes with a set of hands-on experiment kits with step-by-step instructions and a comic magazine for every box that you purchased from ALFA and Friends. If your children just cannot get enough with one box, it is time for you to subscribe to STEM Kit! You can choose to subscribe for 6 months, 8 months, or 12 months.
STEM Kit will give your children the opportunity to experiment with air pressure, colour mixing, and many more different themes that they will learn about. Hey, as the name of this kit, your children will not only learn science but STEM too!
2. National Geographic Volcano Making Kit
Age group: 7 years and above

Create your own volcano with fizzing lava!
This cool volcano making kit is both a science experiment and room decoration for your children, when you have assembled it, of course! Create a solid volcano with the mould and plaster provided, paint it with the brushes and colours in the kit. When it is ready, mix the vinegar and baking soda to create a bubbling and
erupting volcano! With this kit, you just have to prepare your own baking soda and vinegar which these materials are easy-to-find in your kitchen cabinets.
There is a lot of volcano making kit out there other than National Geographic’s kit. Make sure you choose the kit that has the step- by-step instruction. This is very important so that you can help your children if they do not know what to do. Create your own volcano with fizzing lava!
3. Thames & Kosmos Little Labs: The Human Body
Age group: 5 years and above

Learning about the human body is such a fascinating topic for children. There are too many things they can learn about the brain, organs, senses, body parts, and many more! Like other science kits, learning about
the lungs by making lungs model is a must! The same goes for this science kit.
All the materials are provided for the children to create the model. Not only that, but children will be also learning about eyes, the magical optical illusion by making the magic telescope, and a staring contest. How fun would that be? There are too many hands-on experiences in this one kit which makes it a good kit for your children to practice their fine motor skills. By the way, Thames & Kosmos Labs offer different sets of kits, check them out!
4. Solar Rover Kit
Age group: 6 years and above

If you are all about teaching your children about environmental-friendly science experiments, this is one of the science kits that you must have. The best thing for this Solar Rover kit is no batteries are required for it to run. Construct the kit and let it lay around at a sunny place for quite some time and watch it go! Children will be learning about how the solar panel turns the sunlight into electricity to run the motor of the kit.
If you are interested in this kit, do you know that ALFA and Friends also have this in stocks? Yes, if you are
interested, contact us now to purchase one or a few for your children. You do not have to be worried about
how to set this up because step-by-step instruction is provided for you!
5. Make Your Own Chocolate Kit
Age group: 5 years and above

With the materials provided in this kit, make your own chocolate from scratch with cocoa powder and together with your children, learn the science behind it! You will get 20 chocolates with this one kit. If you do not want your children to consume more chocolates, it is the best idea to share this kit with their siblings.
This is not a normal chocolate making kit. This science kit captivated children’s interest by learning of the development of Mayans to modern times. Science, history, and chocolates? I never knew all these can be a fun combination for the children.
To do this, all you have to self-prepared is access to use the stove or microwave because everything is prepared in the kit.
6. Red Cabbage Jiffy Juice Kit
Age group: 5 years and above

Do you think your children are ready to learn about acidity and alkaline by using pH indicators? If yes, you might want to consider this kit. Adult supervision is highly recommended when your children are experimenting with this science kit. Your children will also get an activity sheet to record their observations.
Do you know that to conduct this activity, you and your children do not necessarily need this kit? Yes! All you need is red cabbage. Find out more DIY experiments available in ALFA and Friends comic magazines now.
They are also available in digital form!
7. Magic School Bus
Age group: 5 years and above

Explore with Mr. Frizzle and her students as they explore the world of chemistry on the magic bus. Children will be doing numerous activities such as making sticky ice, creating slime, making a bouncing ball from scratch, and much more exciting activities with the science behind them!
This is one of the science kits that can encourage children to do more and more hands-on experiments which are more meaningful to the children, of course! They will tend to remember more about their lessons rather than just learning by reading and writing.
There are a lot of more exciting science experiments that are available out there. Even though some activities are stated for children older than preschoolers age, they can still do it with adult supervision. This will give more opportunities to the children to understand advanced scientific principles.